
Peter W. Walsh Award
Nomination deadline is March 31 each year.
In 1978 Mr. Peter W. Walsh of Oakland, California donated a bronze sculpture to the Maintenance Superintendents Association. Ronald Herron, a world-renowned sculptor from Helena, Montana, created this original work of art. The sculpture depicts the various phases of work a Maintenance Superintendent is involved in on a daily basis.
Each year all chapters are encouraged to select a worthy local recipient. The Association Executive Board then reviews each Chapter's nominee, and a deserving individual is selected for the award by a secret ballot vote by the Executive Board. The Peter W. Walsh Award is the Association’s most prestigious award.
Award Guidelines, Procedures and Protocols
Preliminary Nomination Summary

Stellar Vendor Award
Nomination deadline is March 31 each year.
In 2014, the Vendor Reps on the EBoard initiated a new award for Vendor Members of the MSA and named it “Stellar Vendor of the Year”.
Each year, all chapters are encouraged to select a worthy nominee. The Association Executive Board then reviews each Chapter’s nominees, and a deserving individual is selected for the award by a secret ballot vote by the Executive Board. The Stellar Vendor is the Association’s most prestigious award that can be bestowed on a vendor.
Award Guidelines, Procedures and Protocols

Founders Award
Nomination deadline is March 31 each year.
The first Founders Awards were presented on August 28, 2008 at the Conference in Sacramento. With approval of the Executive Board, Jim Howell and a supporting committee initiated this program which has become an annual event designed to recognize MSA members who have performed outstanding service to the MSA, their communities and/or a heroic act. There is also a category for chapter excellence. Any member in good standing may nominate anyone or any Chapter.
Any member in good standing may nominate anyone or any Chapter for the Founders Award. The awards are given out by the Executive Board President during the Conference’s Thursday E-Board luncheon. Nomination forms and criteria for the nominations are available via the links below. Limited to one nomination per chapter.

Legacy Vendor Award
Nomination deadline is March 31 each year.
In 2020, the Executive Board approved a new award for Vendor Members of the MSA and named it “Legacy Vendor Award”. The purpose is to establish an award that recognizes individual Vendor Members for their service to the Maintenance Superintendents Association for a minimum of 15 years.
Each year, a chapter may nominate up to three (3) individuals per year. The Executive Board may approve no more than 12 nominations in one year. The Association Executive Board reviews each Chapter’s nominees, and deserving individuals (up to 12) are selected for the award by a secret ballot vote by the Executive Board.
Award Guidelines, Procedures and Protocols