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President Lyle Waite, North Central Valley Chapter, Transfers The Gavel

Writer: MSAMSA

Updated: May 25, 2018

At the January Executive Board meeting, the gavel was passed from 2015 E-Board President Lyle Waite, to the new President Carl Valdez, who will serve as the Maintenance Superintendents Association’s leader for 2016. Carl has moved through all the chairs of the Executive Committee over the past three years, serving as the Vice-President last year.

Carl is currently a member of the San Francisco Bay area chapter. He is the Streets Manager for the City of Fremont. Prior to moving to the Bay area, Carl worked for the City of Ventura and was very involved with the Ventura chapter. He was on the chapter board for six years. In 2009, Carl was awarded with the Chapter’s Manager of the Year award. He also served as a member of the 2013 Ventura Conference Committee.

After accepting the Presidents gavel, Carl spoke to the Executive Board. He thanked everyone for the honor of being selected as the President. “I assure you this Presidency will not be taken lightly, and I will do all I can do to use my strengths to keep the Association going down the right path”. Carl spoke of his passion for the MSA. He also told the group that he plans to visit every chapter during 2016. He also plans to meet with every Executive Board Committee Chairman and also wants to have a “meaningful conversation” with every board delegate.

Each year, the Presidency is def to lead because it is OUR way of lifeined by some goal, vision, or mission. Whether it is educational, financial, the Conference or membership growth- there is always talk of how we help others. “I want my Presidency to be defined by each of us re-discovering OUR PASSION for the Association”, stated President Valdez.

Carl spoke of using the tools and know-how we already have to continue to improve the MSA. He said that he does not want to be a President that says, “here are your tasks, now make it happen”. He hopes to be a facilitator and someone who will encourage everyone to use their strengths to better an already outstanding organization.

Carl outlined the following items and asked each member to ask yourself “how can I help in these areas and if I can’t, do I know someone who can?

  • Collaboration with other organizations

  • Branding

  • Drawing on resources of your LOCAL Chapter

  • Move forward and maintain momentum

  • Communication WITHIN the Executive Board

“Being a leader is not so much a title, as it is a way of life. Each of us ARE leaders. And we choose to be. No one forces us

In closing, Carl told everyone, “I wasn’t here fifty years ago, I wasn’t even on the E-Board five years ago., but many of you were. So, let’s make 2016 the year that we can all look back on and say, that was the year we all made a difference”.

As Carl travels throughout California and Arizona this year, visiting each chapter, please take the time to get to know him. You will walk away encouraged!


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